This is a very funny way to troll your friends, not fake.
Get a seat and a tool gun on destroy.
Shoot the seat with the tool gun. (This will make your body only visible in the location of the chair)
Troll :)
NOTE: Your hand will be visible where you picked up the item. This means that if you pick up a carrot in your house, your friend will see the hand and the carrot in that spot.
Things you can do with this:
You can place a move tool very high in the air then grab it. This will make the game think your hand is very high in the air. If you use the move tool on an object a different player has touched, it will be sent to the direction the hand is at.
You can place a tv and hold a recorder. If you point the recorder at you friend, it will look like your friend is being watched from nowhere.
Shoot them.
I hope you have fun trolling >:)
Please tell me in the comments your review :D
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It did not even work
I ruined a friendship with it >:)
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this is a very sigma glitch
i used an alt account and it could see me, good way for noclip though
ty >:)