has infinite ammo
set the loopers to 0 and hold the stick (ctrl + shift)
code:W1siTG9vcGVyIixbWyIxIiwiMSIsN11dLHsiRGVsYXkiOjk5OSwiT3JpZW50YXRpb25YIjoyNzB9XSxbIlNob3RndW4iLFtbIjIiLCIyIiwxXV0seyJPcmllbnRhdGlvblgiOjI3MH1dLFsiTWFnIixbWyIxIiwiMSIsNV1dLHsiQnVsbGV0cyI6MWUyMn1dLFsiTWFnIixbWyIxIiwiMSIsMl1dLHsiQnVsbGV0cyI6MWUyMn1dLFsiU2hvdGd1biIsW1siMiIsIjUiLDZdXSxbXV0sWyJMb29wZXIiLFtdLHsiRGVsYXkiOjk5OX1dLFsiU2hvcnRTdGljayIsW1siMiIsIjQiLDZdXSxbXV1d (also thanks for a person or whoever created the inf ammo mag)
u call that a minigun? watch this
how do u make the infinite magazine tho?
i was the first one to make it and then like 8 people got my idea and got way more views 👍